Here's where we're wondering if breakfast burritos were created in the U.S. or Mexico. I say U.S., Bry says Mexico- the answer? New Mexico. We're both right, right?

The view from our booth. I could read their lips from where we were at, and one guy was saying "Why would you throw that out? I'm keeping this."

It's fitting because at the end of the Ruby's slogan is "don't be late," which we almost were because Virgin Air decided to change back to the original flight time. Lucky I caught it, or we would have been stuck.
We were both virgins to Virgin America, but after this flight we're both convinced: fly VA if at any way possible. Flying on this thing was like riding inside of your iPods best playlist. Black leather seats incased in tough, white plastic; swanky emergency spiel pamphlets with urban art, not corny 80s, robotic imagery; mood lights that made you feel you were in a nightclub; televisions for everyone, with a touch screen guide and ability to text seat to seat with other passengers (by the way, passenger 8C, who are you?); gosh, who wouldn't love this airline?

Watching PTI feature your team thousands of feet up in the air? Priceless.

After a brief M.I.A suitcase, we hauled our bags over to the JFK Airtrain which shuttled us to a sub station in Queens, where we had to switch trains three times (and haul our heavy bags up flights of stairs) to finally get to see Nichole at her pad in Brooklyn.
Walking up to her place was like walking down The Cosby Show set.

View from the roof.

Angry Woebots x Haagen Dazs

Remember that part in Ferris Bueller's Day Off where Ferris describes Cameron's house?
"The place is like a museum. It's very beautiful and very cold, and you're not allowed to touch anything"
Pretty much exactly like Nichole's place, except we could touch things.
We didn't though.
After settling in, we walked down to the neighborhood Italian Cafe, aptly named Italian Cafe, which was next to a Thai Cafe, aptly name Thai Cafe.
I don't want to slow down the rest of this page, so for the rest of this blog, CLICK HERE.
Oh and PS, it's ultra picture heavy, so make sure you check it out!
1 comment:
shoot im a sucker for airplanes and that airplane looks pretty dang sweet. flashy washy.
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