Before I get started, let's take a moment and reflect what happened on this day seven years ago.

Everyone remembers exactly what they were doing from that day. The day we flew in, we shared our stories over dinner and each of us had a unique perspective from that day that's so hard to forget. From myself leaving NYC only days before the attack, to Bryan being on a plane from Ireland, to Nichole's story of seeing the second plane hit, and mistaking it for a rescue plane. I'll post our stories throughout the day, so stay tuned. It's humbling being in the city on this day.
It's about 5:12 local time as I'm writing this. Bryan and I have to head to midtown for an event and are operating on about three hours of sleep. Uploading pictures takes quite a bit of time, so expect to see updates of the cell phone picture like until either,
a.) I have enough time to post (by the time we get back here to Brooklyn, I'm physically drained).
b.) Until I get back later next week.
And trust me, there will be a full recap of everyday once the time is appropriate, but as of right now it's my time to shower. So thanks for the lovely emails so far (to most of you, man p and stop following this blog anonymously!), and if you haven't yet do click on the "FOLLOW THIS BLOG" button on the right. If you sign up soon, you wont regret it.
Alright, it's getting late. Or it's getting early. Whichever. I'm halfway to losing it.
Until next time,
I can't forget to give my propers to my beloved LOS ANGELES ANGELS. Congratulations on clinching another division crown, beating the closest competitor by almost 20 games. It's like winning Monopoly with 80% of the money, or dropping all the letters for an automatic kill in Scrabble on the first move. Yeah, it's like that.

"Here we are, assholes having the greatest beer in the world, just coming from a Mets game, and eating at some random Scottish bar in Manhattan;watching our team celebrate on SportsCenter. I don't think it gets much beter than that."
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