The C's and M's were missing..

But eyes, they were-a-plenty.

Larv and Jen getting their henna done. Henna that lasted about 12 hours. I've had temporary tattoos that have lasted longer.

Wonder why?

That's why.

Amelia asked why I wasn't working here.

The Fair's got everything. From posture-pedic beds, to Sham-Wow's, to Russian knick knacks.

We walked outside and saw that the crowds were getting larger, and so were our stomachs.

Chicken, anyone?

We noticed this girl with one of the shirts we gave away as promo last Christmas.

Finally! Seats!

Nick getting hot and heavy into that bratwurst.

Being the avid White Castle fan that I am, I needed to try the deep fried White Castle that Charlie's had on their menu.

$5.75 later, I realized that the burger and I weren't in agreement. It didn't taste like the sliders I've grown to love; it tasted more like batter-fried batter, if that makes any sense. Yuck. I felt so gross afterwards.

I left the fried disgustingness on the table and tried to walk off my nausea. Ran into this kid and wondered, "What the hell are you gonna do when you're bored of it?"

Happy cows come from California.

If you've ever just wanted to eat that block of sculpted cheese, be warned...

Sorry, Melissa.

I'm not sure why I was taking this picture, and not in the pie eating contest myself.

Wonder why you can't sink the hoop on those carnie games? It's cause they're more this than that.

Sure they're supposed to be for feet, but who's to stop me if I wanted to sit down on it?

It's in that extremely homosexual innuendo where I'd like to mention that Tony (Zoot Suit) and Bryan (The Miner) finally show up.

Always the trooper, Bry stuck his head out further to make the picture look better.

Bad Decision.

And if you ever wanted to, you could practice milking a mechanical cow. Sweet!

Time for the pig races. Pretty morbid, don't you think?

What a tease.
Maybe, if I wouldn't have had that burger.

Last ride of the night- Euro Slide!

Then it was off to The Yardhouse for a few drinks. Apparently Jen had one too many, knocking over a few glasses.

After a long day, this is the last thing you want at one in the morning.

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