What's especially sad is that our ride was about 1/16th of what Ace normally would. I'd post one of those cool, snazzy maps he puts on his blog, but honestly is it even worth it? Besides, I don't even know how to do one of those anyway.
Along the way, Malicious Melvin got stuck in train tracks, got hit with a beer can, and managed to scrape his knee pretty bad- all the while riding with a seatpost about a foot too low.
Pre-ride, Bryan's patented double trackstand. Watch out, Tom.

"I think I dropped something."
"No, you just ran over something."

Couple seconds after the fall, it looked liked a leaky faucet...

It was so bad, Joemm could hardly stand to watch. He countered with some 211.

Our best attempt to look tough- but I realize that the toughest thing in this picture is that bulldozer.

The lineup.

Malicious, taking a look at his sand covered, infected scrapeage.

The Miner with his new way on keeping the chain taught throughout.

And finally, it's really not a Malicious Murderous Melvin post unless he's being fed. I'm trying to dig up an old picture of him- stay tuned for that.

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