Introducing his first appearance on The Bear Den...
(drum roll)

For those of you who don't know Phil, he's a recently graduated Engineer and overall funny guy. He's always smiling about something, and it never ceases to amaze me how much positive energy this guy brings. He's like Danny Hearts, minus the whole "I gotta work tomorrow, guys," attitude. Just kidding Dan. Maybe. More on that later...
On the 55, we notice a guy laughing hysterically to himself. We asked him what was so funny, and he replied, "I'm naked." Creep.

The hippies in Downtown Orange were out today. Matter of fact I think they're out everyday.

Apparently the Ghostbusters retired in Orange (the old ones, not the poser new ones).

After picking up the tickets, we have a bit of trouble finding somewhere to park, and decide on parking at the "Best Value Lot." Totally not under Angel Stadium jursidiction and over where the old warehouse used to be, sits a brick-walled-and-barbed-wired enclosed lot, with only a hole in the wall to walk through towards the stadium. More on the hole in a bit...
You know, the roof of the Mini is just tall enough that it's painfully awkward to eat off it. Feels like you're a kid on a booster seat, reaching for num nums on the table.

Since Danny works for a new company now, we don't get to see him often. Personally, I don't blame him, he's making a lot of money and has a sweet view from his office to boot. Needless to say, the guy's busy. Bryan though gets a little sad, and tried to make up for lost time.

And it wasn't just for a second, either. It was for a good 10-15 minutes.

All this love must have brought us the man with the beautiful bleached hair. He's the one seated to the left with the sandwich. Did I mention he would shriek every time the Angels got a base hit?

Naturally, we sit as far away from the shrieker as we can, and leave Philip (who left for a bathroom break) to take the lucky seat next to him.
The vexing, yet entertaining Halo Troop were parading on the top deck as usual.

I see this guy every time I come to the stadium. Usually he's wearing a novelty viking's hat, this particular time he wasn't. What he was doing however was dancing like a maniac- something I've seen him do at the stadium and on the corner of Katella and Stadium Way.

Unfortunately, security wasn't having as much fun as we were with him...

...and subsequently booted him out.

Angels Brass, if you're reading this; Why throw out a guy who's so pumped to be at the game, and has no other way of expressing his feelings than by interpretive dance? I haven't seen you kick out the Halo Troop, and they go around banging drumsticks for the better part of games. C'mon guys. Boo.
Quote of the night:
"Now batting, number 17, Chin-Soo Sin- ahh ahem, Shin-Soo Choo."
-Angels PA Announcer

Remember the hole in the wall? Well, there it is.

Apparently somebody died on the treadmill at the 24 Hour Fitness. Yikes.

Every chance I get, I like to bust Danny's balls for having to leave for work so early in the morning. So whenever it's past 11, I like to push his buttons and see if he'll ever complain. Normally he doesn't, but tonight....we got him.
While they think we're going to Lee's Sandwiches, we give them a surprise.
Best quotes from the video-
"Back here is where we get the subs."
-Bryan (Listen to it again, and how serious he sounds.)
"Are we going to Lee's?! I thought we were going to Lee's! Are you serious?! Are you serious!"
-Phil (I'm not sure if he's pumped, or scared out of his wits. Most likely the former.)
"C'mon man, I got work tomorrow."
-Dan (Listen to the rare, obviously ticked-off Danny. Very hard to come by.)
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