We decided to fight the gnarly downtown traffic with our bikes, which ended up helping us out.

The Miner got touched up before the festivities. I dont know about you, but his nipples get all my feathers ruffled.

After meeting the boys for dinner, we headed over to some industry party (I forgot who was hosting). When we rolled up the line was pretty deep, but thanks to the long arm of KidRobot, we got in with no hassles.

Needless to say, it was a fire hazard inside.

After being mobbed by a group of people who took pictures with my shirt, I finally got to Jellybeans from KidRobot Miami, Ace, and Ace's $10 drink.

Then it was off to the MunkyKing/Vinyl Pulse party at this warehouse down the street.

Which was also home to the biggest industrial fan I've ever seen. Definitely kept the party breezy.

Artists had performance pieces going on into the wee hours of the night.

The aforementioned shirt, cocks and all.

Psychobilly x Zoot Suit. Limited edish.

Oversized couches made Ace look like a toddler.

Even the new Soulful Commandoe x New Era cap made an apperance!

Nick describing the overall feel of the evening.

Out front with Sam from NYC, KidRobot, Mason Jar, Soulful, and Chubby Boob.

Walking back to the condo proved heavy.

So heavy that Ace was compelled to do some push-ups.

For whatever reason, the KidRobot condo had stainless steel stairs. After a few drinks, these stairs pretty much spell A-C-C-I-D-E-N-T-A-L S-U-I-C-I-D-E.

Nichole, aka The Baroness, aka One Tough B, aka Sugar Mama, aka Big Girls Don't Cry.

Mason Jar x KidRobot x Chubby Boob x Soulful Commandoe x Vans x Converse x Why Do People Use X's for Collaborations?

The Morning After.

Waking up to the only music we know that helps.
After meeting Jen With One N (who was also in town for business), we met up with the rest of the guys at The Sun Cafe with Gabe (FBC) and Paul XXX. Cheap food, fun times, great stories. Having Paul around reminds me of a time we had in Vegas. Hmm.

Jen and I skipped the convention, and headed for lunch in La Jolla instead.

After a battle with the 5 Freeway, we ended up at Downtown Disney to watch Step Brothers with Amelia, Nick C, and Larisa. Not before we saw this little one jump and jive to the music.

Movie was HILARIOUS, and the dessert that Larv got was divine. Ugh son, what do you know about Beignets.

That'll do it for now, check back soon for Jen's OC Fair wrap-up!
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