Monday, July 7, 2008

My Face Is Red

...from all the sun I took in from a Luau in the mountains. Needless to say I'm pretty much hating life with this sunburn all over my body, so while I recuperate why don't you check out my friend Marc's blog- Royal Thrown.

If you click here, you'll see what it's like firsthand to be on the receiving end of a drunk driving crash, as told by the words (and pictures) of Mr. Marc himself.

Hope all of you had a great weekend! If you're burnt like me (and Jen With One N, Bryan, Amelia, Andie, and Alena), put some aloe on. Putting it in the fridge before you use it helps.

I'll get back to normal posting duties soon. Expect a HUGE June Lake post; vomit stories, hippie umbrella men, and all!

1 comment:

Marc said...

thanks for the publicity Jason.. hope all is well buddy
