If you know me personally, you'll know that I'm always trying to sell California to people from abroad (Camila from Brazil, the girls from Berlin). The TOMS team I was with in Argentina got the same sales pitch. This is just a continuation of the conversations I sparked with some of you.
While most of you are probably wasting away in the frigid cold, us Californians have this to enjoy..
Sushi nights...

..coupled with green tea ice cream explosions...

...and bills so polite they say "please."

Sushi just precedes our evenings. The real fun begins when we visit Disneyland; The Happiest Place on Earth, as shown by my little friend there in the stroller, so happy just to be in the photo.

Merchandise as far as the eyes can see. Big Kev, I'm sure your girls would go nuts.

From pajamas, to plush toys, to "What Seems to be the Problem, Officer?," figurines- we've got it all.

Why is everyone crowded on Main Street, you ask?

Because of fireworks, of course!

Now, I know what you're probably thinking.
Sure Jason, California is great and all that, but I like my holidays in the snow.
What's that? Snow you say? Well we've got a little bit of that, too.

Actually, a lot.

They say everything is bigger in Texas. I'd like to meet the fellow who's quoted as saying that.

What do Californians do in the morning after a snow blizzard?
We drive our lowriders listening to Lowrider.

It's also the place where we own see-through garage doors...

..and catchy-named places to lose weight.

In California, it's totally cool to sit next to the biggest guy in the restaurant, as shown here by Tommy. Now if this were to happen in Philly, well, good luck.

Our taquitos are so huge they should technically just be called taquits.

What better way to watch some winter baseball in spring weather than in your 100% Organic Mason Jar shirt?

So you see, if you're not here, you're probably wishing you were.
But to tell you the truth, it's only 'cause I miss you guys.
Visit soon.
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