I'm going to have to admit, this post has been sitting as draft for the past week. Somehow, I combined my memories of Thursday and Friday together and when I realized what I had done it was a giant mess. I've been trying to figure out what pictures go where, so if it's not exactly perfect you'll have to excuse me.
But hey, most of you wouldn't know the difference anyway, right?
When I last left you, we had just spent our second night in San Antonio de las Nowhere. After a cigar smoke filled discussion the night before, we ventured our way back into civilization- but not before visiting the Tren de las Nubes.
Here's how we spent our Thanksgiving Day.
Prior to leaving for The Train to the Clouds, we made a stop at the special education school that we visited the day before to purchase some arts and crafts made by the students.

View from the top (via Kevin's disposable).

My view from the bottom.

Wasn't feeling too well, so I decided to sit on a swing with Court.

On the long ride (4+ hours) back to Salta, I had about 22 minutes of America.

Then it was a mini pit stop to pick up a milanesa sandwich. While we were waiting, the llama lady and llama daughter came by and we bought up all of her goods.

Here's where I stray off course and use digital pictures for story continuity. But hey, I'm sure you don't care, do you?
After the freakishly long and nauseous ride home, all I was craving was a hamburger. To my surprise, Pepe had our driver pull over at a stand.
These are all the sauces they had.

And poor Kevin thought that "todos," meant only mustard and ketchup. Sadly, it was all of the aforementioned condiments.

Luckily mine only had chimichurri.

After a re-check-in at the hotel we stayed at a few days ago (you should have seen the look on some of the hotel guest faces when we dropped our bags off)...

..it was time to see the town.

As European looking as it was in Argentina...

...yeah, I didn't get it either.

They really, really love the 80's here.

Are we in a freaking Coldplay video?

OK, in addition to Thanksgiving, it was also Dolly's birthday. After Lauren and I picked up a birthday cake, Pepe and I fashioned a birthday crown out of a box of wine and some tinsel I bought at the store.
All hail King Pepe.

The coronation ceremony.

Queen Dolly reading a note that Pepe handed to her. Unfortunately, we couldn't read or write so whatever is in the message is forever lost in translation.

Pepe: Moveable printed type, we must keep this from the serfs lest they gain literacy and threaten the Landed Gentry.
Us:What do u have there me lord?
Pepe: Nothing! Back to your turnips.
Our turnips.

Cake blowing ceremony.

Although I would have preferred a turkey over filet mignon, having some choice meat with some choice people made it a Thanksgiving to never forget.

After dinner, we did what everyone does after Thanksgiving dinner...
We went back up to the room and watched 80's music videos over glasses of delicious, delicious wine.

Now I know I said I'd wrap it up in this post, but there are waaaaay too many pictures to leave out. So, it looks like there will indeed be the conclusion to the conclusion posted sometime later this week. Trust me, you're not going to want to miss it. What's it like when you're giving away shoes and a mob of people surround you? You'll see.
So again, I'm sorry it's taken so long to finish this- you've got my sincerest apologies. But hey, then again, you probably don't mind.
Do you?
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