Let's get to it.
First rule of thumb...

I can't stress it enough, but I implore you to shop locally. Whether it's the florist down the street or the t-shirt brand your friends started, they will benefit more directly than say, a Wal-Mart or a Forever 21. Instead, try some of these Bear Den approved locally-grown talent.
* * *
Need a beanie? My friend Nicole makes them- and other accessories, too! With weather like we've been experiencing here in Southern California, I'm going to be placing my woven multi-colored trenchcoat in soon. Nicole makes other things too, so don't hesitate to ask if you've got a custom request.
Don't forget to check out her blog!

contact: nicole- handmadebynicole@gmail.com
* * *
Next up is Chubby Boob Clothing. It's the perfect gift for that person who has everything, because I can guarantee you they're not gonna have what Joemm at Chubby has to offer.
He's even got special holiday pricing, now!

contact: joemm- chubbyboob@gmail.com
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Another awesome gift idea for that special someone is through Alan Thomas Apparel. Tom has been a big influence in what we've done and continue to do, and it's only fitting that he belongs on this list. If you're into a hand-crafted, artistic based design, AT is exactly what you're looking for.

contact: tom- tom@recurmusic.com
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Next is for the denim connoisseur and/or cut & sew enthusiast. Soulful Commandoe has got EVERYTHING from tees to New Era Caps to denim to everything else in between; SC has got you covered. We've come a long (LONG) way from just sweaters and tees- and we are more than happy to take you all along for the ride.
Maybe you've seen 'Lil Wayne wear the SFC Hood Scard at the MTV VMA awards?

Or maybe you picked up a magazine and saw this ad in it?

Wherever you've seen us, make sure you leave a little SC present under the tree.
contact: nick- nicholas@soulfulcommandoe.com
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Do you feel like giving two gifts for the price of one? Look no further than TOMS Shoes, where every item you buy (whether it's a shoe or a t-shirt) you will be providing a shoe for a child in need. I can personally attest to the shoe-giving having recently been in Argentina, so rest assured your philanthropy is DEFINITELY being fulfilled.
Also, TOMS is trying to move 30,000 pairs of shoes to help fight the Podo epidemic in Ethiopia. Check out the following video..
The good news is that YOU can help, and that we're only about 6,000 pairs away from reaching our holiday goal. Be the change, head over to TOMSshoes.com, now!

And as an added incentive (as if you needed anything else), TOMS is shipping for FREE. In addition to that ( I'm starting to sound like an infomercial), I'm going to give you, the loyal readers of The Bear Den, a special code to save you an additional $5 off your order. You can pass it down to your friends and family- just don't abuse it. Consider it an early Xmas present.
* * *
And last, and certainly not least, is my baby... Whether you know us as The Mason Jar, or Bryan, or Tony, or Jason, or Natalie, or Danny, or Lodge 146, or those bicycle guys, or any other moniker you've given us- we're all one of the same and working for you as well as for the goodwill of our environment. Proceeds from our earnings go to certain specific charities (Friends of TOMS, 1% For the Earth, Surfrider, etc.) and for every 24 shirts we sell, we plant one tree in return. Not just a seed, but an adolescent sapling.
Free tote bag with every purchase from now until Jan. 1.

We've got a program called Branch Out that we can't wait to tell you about. 2009 will be a very exciting year for us and the people we look forward to helping. Stay tuned...
contact: jason@masonjarclothing.com
These are only a few ideas, and I certainly don't intend to sound like these are your only choices. Wherever you are, there is something you can support locally on a smaller scale than your typical corporate model.
Here are a couple more helpful shopping tips...
Buy oversized novelty mailboxes that feature the likes of trophy bass and shotgun shell.

Buy cheap, copied sunglasses from places like Urban Outfitters, Hot Topic, or mall kiosks that always have annoying foreign (usually Eastern European) salespeople. They've obviously copied it from a legit version.

Scour the internet/antique shops in search for the original construction.
Vintage Ray-Ban Woody Wayfarer.

Be a jerk and steal that parking space. Somebody else was already waiting for it- they even had their blinker on. Common courtesy people. Trust me, you don't want to be a parking space stealer. You might see this on your way back from the mall.

One more thing...
If you're gonna drink this holiday season, make sure you're not driving. I'm tired of having to be reminded of situations that could have been avoided. It happens every year. Don't let me read about you in the papers.

Alright, that should do it. Remember, support local business! Contrary to what you've heard, it's they who makes the world go 'round.
Humbly from my camouflaged recliner,

thanks for the mention jason! i really appreciate it...and just so you know, i've got fingerless gloves down! i think you need a pair! :)
so i know you haven't posted about tonight yet. but here's the show i was talking about. go to destination truth. they actually have episodes where they went to the philippines. && i think you'd throughly enjoy it truth
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