Everyday People

Most of you who know us know that we love competition for our promos. Here are a few pictures from the stuff we made people do for some free stuff.

First of which was a hyphy dance contest- with only Joemm participating. Weird thing is that he lost. Against himself.

Next was a dance-off between Tony and Bryan, even though they knew they weren't going to get anything.

That followed with a Rock Paper Scissor fight.

Which preceded our now famous push up battle royale.

And even a trackstand competition.

What better way to end a contest than with a Moonwalk battle. Taylor = champion.

Drew-bee, wearing the t-shirt we were giving away.

Towards the end of the night, things got a little, well, rowdy.

The fuzz showed up, and handed us with one of these.

Then we had Bryan the Minor take all the people who had bikes out for a ride to appease the po-leeece.

And then just as the 5-0 left, wouldn't you know it, the sprinklers came on. Here we are frantically trying to get the DJ equipment out of harm's way.

Check out the death stare on Nat's face. It's actually more like half death, half determination. And no, Tony's not just socializing- he's blocking a sprinkler with his foot to minimize wetness.

Three things about any party that we throw..
One. It's not official until three Mexican guys get together and do a pose with at least one of them crouching.

Two. It's not official until somebody brings a ridiculously expensive camera to document the whole thing.

And Three. It's not official unless you make fun of Jon B. in any way possible. This time, we wallowed in the sweet joy of his broken, beloved iPhone.

Anybody else thing he looks like the kid from the last Mr. Bean movie?

All in all, it was such an amazing night. Different people from different backgrounds came together for one evening to celebrate charity. Meg (and everyone else) from TOMS Shoes puts it best..
There is this an African philosophy which is "Ubuntu" - it essentially means a person is a person through other persons, or "I am because we are".
I can't think of a better way to describe our night.
I'd like to thank all of our sponsors for all the generosity they've shown. Big thanks goes out to TOMS Shoes, Active Ride Shop, Carlton Hair, Foe Athletics, Soulful Commandoe, Chubby Boob Clothing, Alan Thomas, Sleeping Giant, Amelia at Disney, Glen Ivy Hot Springs, Toy Machine, and anyone else I've forgotten. You guys really are the glue that holds us together. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I think I can speak on behalf of everyone at TMJ that you really made our night extra special. LOVE!
Another big thanks goes to all the people who helped us Sunday night- most of you on a whim. Thanks to Sarah P., Adriana, Tom Schwarz, Jenny, Jen With One N, Amelia (again), Marta Thompson, Markie Sandoval, Nick May, Joe B., Gabe FBC, Jacky and Taylor, Ace Boogs (just for being so sexy), Candice V., and especially to Yovana Guzman who helped us out with the location and so much more. It's hard to put into words all the work you've done. You're family now.
And finally, for myself, I'd like to thank my team.
Bryan, Danny, Natalie, and Tony: you guys are so awesome. It's been a long time coming, and I appreciate every single minute that I spend with you guys- work and play it's been an honor. If I had a child, I'd name it Bryannynatonely. Bryannynatone for short. Love you guys.

Best as always,
Boo Yeah!
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