Saturday evening was Michelle's Glow in the Dark Birthday Picnic in HB.
Lately we've had some damp weather here in Southern Cal, so our picnic slowly turned from a drizzly, yet lovely gathering- into a mad dash to a rain covered awning for shelter- into a wine sloshing, guitar picking, harmonica blowing session- into rolling around in muddy puddles- into, yes, you guessed it, a wild truck romp around the park. No more talking. Let's post pictures.
On the 405...
"Hey man, pull over there's a fire truck hauling ass behind us."

"Wait. That's no real truck. Why, it's the Del Taco Hot Sauce fire engine! Huzzah!"

Shaka braddah.

Pre-rain, in a spot in the clear.

Post-rain, in a spot in front of the public restrooms.

The sigh-oh-god-what-did-you-do-now-Bryan face and expression.

What goes well with some red and some Coke Zero? Oh yeah! Erin does. She's pretty much the Dream Weaver.

Franken-Bry. It's ALLLLIIIIIIVE.

Tony, aka Zoot Suit, starring in The Ralph Macchio Story.

All this glowing makes me want to live live harder, better, faster, and stronger.

Tron, 2.1 and 3 quarters.

The mandatory birthday piggyback ride. Standard.

They're with the band.

Feelin the song.

Gee-tar strummin' the night away.

Luke, The Italian Stallion, prefers to use his hands while he talks.

Just a swigful of red helps the medicine go down.

Birthdays, buddies, braids, blues.

"Get yo' haaaht glowww stickksss heyrrrrrrrrrre! Get 'em while they're hahhhhht!"

It wasn't Freebird, but hey Neil Diamond will do.

Eddie bought this sweet red coat with all the sweet dough he made from all those sweet glow sticks.

Daft Punk even made an apperance.

High fives for thigh bands!

RHCM, aka Dream Weaver, aka E-Money Money.

So after I assumed everyone else was going to jump and roll in the mud, the only person who got dirty with me was Michelle. Thanks for backing me, Mitch- are your clothes and shoes ruined like mine are?

Post truck romp, it's a miracle we got out unscathed. Amber Alert was nearly knocked out, Zoot Suit (think this, but with no skateboard) pretty much lost his soles, and Eddie had to take care of the Charlie hiding in the trees.

Was anyone aware that Denny's had a blog? How in the world did I miss this?

Six dollars later, I still couldn't claw Aaron. Lurking to the left is my vicarious.

Sidekicks, which derives from pickpocket slang of the late 19th and early 20th century. The "kick" is the front side pocket of a pair of trousers, and was found to be the pocket safest from theft. Thus the "side-kick" became an inseparable companion. Like Double Dragon.


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