This past Sunday my twin brother* Joemm had an exhibition at La Sierra University showcasing his art, and the unofficial (or is it official?) debut of his new and upcoming line, Chubby Boob. Here are a few pictures from the event..
Yeah, there were bikes. Lots more after this was shot. PS world, this is Zoot Suit.

Funny story about the lady in the white by the door. Ask Joe about that one..

Oohing and aahing.

Bryan and I actually put these up while Joemm tackled the inside exhibit. I even heard someone compliment at how straight they were. Thanks lady, but you can thank lasers for the uber-precise leveling, Bryan's hurdy gurdy handiness, and my unmatched skill at mathematics.

Joemm's mum welcoming all of us with open arms. This was my second mum growing up; she's literally one of the kindest and gracious people I've ever met or will ever know.

Obligatory wide-angle corner photograph at art show.

The maker and the made.

Jen, who shared the inside exhibit, had these creepy looking pieces on old media (doors, window shutters, etc.) Absolutely beautiful, and horrifying (in a good way) at the same time.

Ace of Spades in the hoooooousssssssssse.

Got you, Nick.

By the time I realised they had food out, it was all gone.

Krystal Roque, who helped with this piece.

Dante, doing what he does best- taking the hors d'oeuvres before I spot them

to-me-I'll-be-headed-back-soon-so-tell-my-mom picture.

Bryan came, but left for hipster alternatives. "Alright guys, gotta go. Got a Matt Costa thing at the Glasshouse." Hey Bry, you forgot your PBR.

Nothing witty to write here.
I caught Joe stealing his own swag.

Want to know my favorite part of the night? It's when we got Joe to sign some autographs. Here's the sequence...
Fan: "Hey man! Awesome show, do you got a minute?"
Joe: "Sorry dude, no autographs I gotta go."
Fan: "Aww c'mon please man! I've been waiting for hours back here, I've always loved your stuff man. You rock soooooo hard man! You're the freaking best, man! Shit, you are the man! Man!"
Joe: "Sigh. Alright. But just one, and no pictures."
Fan: "Yes!!!! You're the best, you're, like, everything to me. I can't believe this is happening!!"
Fan 2 [rushed, out of breath]: "Hey can you sign this. To Dean. That's D-E-A-N. Yeah."
Fan: "Hey dude, I was here first! Back off!"
Joe: "Easy, easy! Everyone will get an autograph if you guys just calm down. Here you go, Dean"
Fan 2: "Oh can I have my Sharpie back?"
Fan: "Dude, J snap a picture quick!!"
[editors note: this picture below totally reminds me of 96% of all the "me and celeb" pictures I've ever seen. You know, the ones your friends show you when they met Jude Law at an airport, and he's signing a napkin, but in all their haste they forget to snap a decent picture and "Jude Law" ends up looking so ambiguous it could have easily been your eleventh grade english substitute teacher who's only there to earn credits for his teaching credentials. Yeah. Those pictures.
Or the ones they have on eBay saying that so-and-so celebrity signed a glossy 8x10 headshot and was obtained in a hotel lobby and comes complete with a certificate of authenticity; oddly authenticated by the seller and of no one of real importance or credibility. Yeah. Those pictures]
No it really says
Nothing is Impossible.
Fan: "This is the greaaaaaaatest daaaaay eeevvvvvverrrrrrrr!!!!!!"

Joe and the Paulster.

The BFA- Baby Faced Assassin.

Unfortunately I lost the other pictures I took at this event. My computer seems to have eaten them, and it stink because we had some awesome shots at the wrap party held at BJ's, and the post-wrap party in the parking lot (where Ace grACEd us with impeccable form shown through inline skating. Hopefully I can find them, and do a part deux.
Joe, congratulations my friend. An amazing art show from an extra-amazing artist, I'm very proud of you and your accomplishments, and I cannot wait to see what else is yet to come from you and the rest of our camp. We all had an amazing time, brother- let's let the good times roll.
-PB, out.