We lost last night, but hey at least I got a pretty sweet blanket. We'll try again later tonight to split the short set. Anyone else going? Find me in Sec. 211.
Couple observations from yesternight's game.
Never noticed that they sealed up the gap from the wall to the rocks/batting eye. Perhaps they're going to build a pool, a la Arizona Diamondbacks?
If you go to The Big A a lot, you'll know that some magical time after the third or fourth inning, a self-appointed "Halo Troop" parades around the upper concourse. Usually they have a caravan, but last night Halo Trooper "1" was working solo. With her Heavyweight Champion of the World belt.
Here's what I had to deal with all night.
People, if you're going to get hammered, at least save yourself the embarassment and stay to yourself- and sit down for goodness sakes if you're at a ballgame! And did you see the way she was enunciating her words? Ugh. Yuck.
Let's leave with the quote of the night, from our aforementioned drunk friend-
"Hehhy guys I'm soooooooo sohhrry we cahhhnt plehhhay berr pong aaaht my haaaaouse tonaggght. My maahm is saaaahhch a mehhhgahh betch."
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