Many of you sent me forwarded emails and text messages about In-N-Out's 60th Anniversary and the prices they'll be having. Here's what the email looked like...
Subject: FW: To all you In-n-Out Lovers...
In-n-Out’s 60th Year Anniversary is Wednesday, October 22nd.
All hamburgers will be sold for 25 cents, Cheeseburgers 30 cents, Fries 15 cents, & drinks are 10 cents!!!
So mark your calendars!
Unfortunately, this promotion isn't true. Could you imagine the chaos on the 22nd? Please let your friends know because from the amount of emails and texts I got, I'm going to go out on a limb and say people are planning for cheap eats on October 22nd. Sadly, you can't always believe forwarded emails. The love of my life still hasn't kissed me at the stroke of midnight, and I already forwarded that email to 12 people.
Don't believe me? Think I'm trying to make the lines shorter for myself? I don't blame you. It'd be a great move for me and my belly.
But you can call Customer Service yourself at 1(800)786-1000. Hey, maybe if they get enough calls they're just going to have to go with it.
Now if you wanted cheap food, you should have been at Philippe's on Monday. Philippe's, aka the birthplace of the French Dip sandwich, had it's 100th anniversary and rolled back it's prices 1908 style: French Dips for a dime, and coffee for a nickel.

It's too bad, cause you could have had 200 French Dips for the price of what this guy paid.

Just got this emailed to me at work, I chuckled a little bit.
In-n-Out's 60th Year Anniversary is Wednesday, October 22nd. All hamburgers will be sold for 25 cents, Cheeseburgers 30 cents, Fries 15 cents, and drinks are 10 cents!!! So mark your calendars!
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this rumor is false
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