I can't think straight.
All I can think about is time.
Time to put away everything that reminds you of them. Hats, shirts, ticket stubs. Hell, put all the baseball related stuff away- I don't want to see anything 'til Spring.
Time to think about all the money you've spent this season. But why stop there? Think of all the money you've spent the previous season, and the season before that, and the season before that. Before you know it, you've accrued a down payment on a car- maybe even a condo.
Time to think about what you'll do from now until April. Suddenly that Angels Fans Cruise in January doesn't look so fun.
Time to think about fulfilling the deposit on those 2009 Season Seats. $4,500 in your pocket sounds a lot better than a broken heart in October.
Time to compare how you're feeling to a break-up. Actually it's worse, because no matter how bad they treat you, you keep coming back for more.
Time to stop watching ESPN. Partly because of fear of catching another painfully reminding clip, and partly because no part of you wants anything to do with baseball ever again.
Time to add to your All-Time Baseball Hate List. Pierzynski, check. Papelbon, check. Jason Bay, check. Welcome to the list.
Time to hear the proverbial, "Hey, there's always next year," and "Cheer up it's only a game," quotes. News flash, it isn't only a game. It's almost 8 months of dedication for me and my wallet. If it were only a game, I'd hit reset by now.
Time to get text messages from your adversaries. Boston fans, Dodger fans- it seems like everyone else is jeering in my misery. If they're feeling sassy, they'll write you an email too, with the attached pictures.

Simply, it's time to accept that it's officially the worst part of the year.
Offseason doom.
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