I wont spoil it for the rest of you who haven't seen the new Indy flick yet, but let me just say that the Geoffster wasn't too pleased with the final product. I'm not sure whether it started with the gophers, or the refrigerator, or the monkeys- but somewhere along the line Geoff just had enough.
Before the movie, we had high hopes. We win a free soda. Is this a good sign, or does it mean the movie is a wash?

The previews are over, the movie begins. I sit behind him and could see his posture (which is usually amazing) slowly start to fade with every last gag that Lucas and Spielberg could toss us. By the time the inevitable snake gag was thrown, I could hardly see his head from his seat.
And to top things off, we've been hyping up this movie more than when McDonalds brought the McRib back. See, Geoff just came off an unconsciously long cross country tour and the only thing he wanted to do was watch this movie. Not even haunted gigs in Georgia could stop him from seeing Dr. Jones, but I'm sure after tonight he'd have rather tried to find that ghastly little girl.
Somewhere between "what?!," "reeeeeeally?!," "are you serious?!," and a few harsh words was where we found ourselves after the movie.

Hey Geoff- if you're reading this take care my friend. I want to hear more ghost stories when you get back, and maybe we can finally catch one of those baseball games.
hahaha that made me laugh "whaat... seriousslllly" could totally hear it. what a dude.
i'm totally not interested in seeing that movie at all, and i've no idea why.
how are you mr!?
hahaha that made me laugh "whaat... seriousslllly" could totally hear it. what a dude.
i'm totally not interested in seeing that movie at all, and i've no idea why.
how are you mr!?
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