Some of the lineup.

iPod, check. Speakers, check. VICE Magazine, check. Beer, check. BBQ sauce, check. Boca Patties, check. We're ready!


For the carnivores, I threw some bacon wrapped, pepperjack cheese-filled hot dogs on the bar-b.

Joemm's three vices: sausage, cheese, and bacon- all wrapped up in a bun. It was so good he came up with the greatest Mason Jar x Chubby collab, EVER.

Since more people came(and Michael ate two of the bacon cheese dogs), I put the bratwursts on the grill. As embarrassing as it was for me, Susy and Yvonne didn't make fun of our half-assed American bratwurst. Instead, they just smiled.

For the readers that don't know Bryan, I know all of you think this guy's 33. You're wrong. He just turned 32.

For dessert, we had a strawberry pastry from Amelia, Amelia Maynor, Amelia R. Maynor, and my grilled peaches. If you've never had one, make sure you make it out to the next barbecue.

Then it was off to Hollywood to catch Ed Helms' puppet show, that had the lovely (and walkative) Janeane Garafolo. Janeane reminds of what a pissed off Lisa Loeb would look like, you know, like if she never got lucky with that one-hit wonder.
Tony, with the Obey x Chubby Boob tee.

This really rad puppeteer was out. I want this for my next birthday. Take notes.

With this long line you'd think we were waiting for shoes or something.

Great day spent with great friends. Even though The Garafolo went off on a political rant and sounded like NPR for a moment, it was a hilarious show. Nothing beats a cheap show where you can bring in food and booze.

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