A word of advice- save your honey and skip that new M. Night Shyamalan movie, The Happening. That is, unless you like an even-more-so-than-normal contrived Marky Mark.
Instead, maybe buzz on over to the ballpark and catch the Angels beat the snot out of those Braves, or have a bonfire at your local beach- like we did last evening.
This guy was wearing a Sleeping Giant shirt- rad!

Kate, trying her best to explain to Zoot Suit that she's leaving to Ghana to teach French, not a "goner 'cause of the stench."

My VBF, Mitch, probably thinking about Rum and Coca Cola. Hey Mitch, I think we need to catch a train?

Bry, with his best Undertaker pose. Why aren't there any pictures of Amelia? Amelia Maynor? Amelia R. Maynor?

Hey, even Melissa showed up! Spectacular!

After the sixth fall....

I decided to paddle my way off the beach...

But got paddle rot halfway through.

Just an FYI, sand stings.

Somewhere between our pit and our cars, the wine I was most looking forward to broke, and splattered all over the blanket to my right.

Then, after a brief stint on the roof in a park- Tony and I head back to our warehouse to discover that the work we had done prior to the fire was a wash. Water was everywhere, a screen was wasted, and more importantly our morale was lost. Tony was so delusional he kept eating tomatoes off a sandwich despite my salmonella-laden pleas. When I finally got home, I wasn't sure if the physical or emotional aches and pains hurt more.
That look Melissa's giving me in that last picture? Well it pretty much sums up the night.
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