He's also going to be contributing a piece every Friday- so look out for that. He's telling me that his first story will explain the gash on his head. I can hardly wait.
Until then, enjoy the following.

EDIT 12/16
Here is the Bryan story I promised you, in all of its unedited glory.
If you cant tell from the last photo i have a nice gash on my head.

lets start at the begining...
last night i had to work late at a clinic close to my home. i've been getting into fixies made me wanna ride my bike to work, so i did.
i sent my friend Anthony a text to meet me at work so we could hang out and ride during the down time. later during my break, me and tony head out to the parking lot and ride, and pulled off some sweet skids. doing no handies, one footers over the handle bars, and anything else we could think of. We were both riding well. so when it was time to clock out and head home i was feeing great. i felt like i couldnt be stopped, i was a skid champ at this point.
when it was time for me to turn on Rimpau st and head down the hill towards my house, i told myself "im going to hit this fast and hard and knock out some down hill skids" like the ones i see on youtube. i start off doing great. had some 15 footers and 20 footers.
im about a hundred yards from my house and at this point im going full speed and i try to pull one more long skid off and before i knew it im on the floor looking up. and what do i see flying towards my head??? my bike. thats right. it flew into the air and landed on my face.
so when i got home i took my beanie off and a few minutes it hit me. im fucking bleeding. so today when i was getting ready for work i felt all the pain. my left wrist doesnt really work well. i cant even use pressure with it. the hands are all cut up, and i got a few cuts on my legs.
oh not to mention my handle bars are now bent.

jason asked me what i learned from this, if anything at all.
nothing, jason. absolutely nothing.
- Bryan
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