Sled dogs were out getting ready for the Iditarod.


Snow skating.

If I taught a Road Trip Essentials Class, Cheez-It would probably be in the class syllabus.

Here are a few this times (Feb '09) and last times (July '08)...
This time.

Last time.

This time.

Last time.

This time

Last time.

This time.

Last time- which was probably the most American 4th of July I'd ever had in my entire life. Compared to mine, yours would have been classified as terrorist activity.

Best murder weapon ever- a Hattori Hanzo Icicle Sword, which melts along with your fingerprints.

One in this group is useless. I'll let you decide as to who.

Do you ever wake up and forget where you are? I did, and when I saw this I think I almost had a heart attack.

Best bag ever. I think I could pack three months full of clothes in here. Thanks Keegan!

The day we left, we joked that the roads would be closed and we'd get snowed in. Those smiles turned upside down when we looked outside.

If you're not familiar with these, make sure you do before you travel anywhere near snow. These can be the difference from this and this.

Yeah, that's the height of the snow in the road. SNOWN3D.

June Lake Jake making some calls to the plow guys.

Aside from this sight...

...this is probably the last thing you want to see when you're leaving from vacation.

Actually, this is probably the last thing you'd want to see...

...which eerily reminded me of this fellow.

Let's just say I wasn't saying, "Oh Ridge" driving through the pass.

Is it too late to change my mind? This is the last thing I'd want to see trying to get home.

You know what? Who am I kidding? This is DEFINITELY the last thing I'd want to see on get-away-day. Why? because it only means one thing. Click here, to find out.

It finally stopped snowing for awhile, but then I noticed that that giant gray mass wasn't a smudge on the windshield, but rather something that looked like it came from a 1996 movie.

The Mr. Stay Puft cloud proceeded to dump even more snow on an otherwise already icy road.

But after 20 minutes or so, it was back to this again. This was a couple minutes after the last picture was taken. Are those blue skies ahead?


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i wannna go!
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