Monday, November 12, 2007


This is exactly why we can't hold construction men in the same esteem as firefighters.

They couldn't have stamped a stereotype any harder than they did with these toys. Reminds me of that Simpsons episode...

Homer: They turned the Navy into a floating joke. They ruined all our best names like Bruce and Lance and Julian. Those were the toughest names we had! Now they're just...
John: Queer?
Homer: Yeah, and that's another thing! I resent you people using that word. That's our word for making fun of you! We need it!

And in trying to search for that tiny screenshot, I was led to this.

Rosco: I want all of you to say hello to the Simpsons.
Steel Mill Workers: Halloooooww!
Homer: Has the whole world gone insane?
Guy: Stand still, there's a spark in your hair!
Guy #2: Get it, get it!
Guy #3: Hot stuff, comin' through

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