It's like going to a restaurant and seeing too many things on a menu, or walking into a grocery starving- the point is, it's hard to make decisions when there are too many choices. I like things yes or no, black or white, meat or veggie. When things are simplified, it leaves less room for error.
On that note, I thought it would be imperative to give you a video guide for our 2008 Presidential Candidates. You can thank me later. Enjoy.
Jonh McCain
Mitt Romney
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton
Ron Paul
Stephen Colbert
Hope that helps!
On a serious note, I would like all of you to check out this documentary I watched called Why We Fight. There are many issues we need to address with the state of our country, and it's important that we elect someone who can take the points brought up in the film into a brighter light. Whether you're a Republican or Democrat or anything in between, you owe it to yourself to watch this movie.

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