Absolutely not. Watch it as fast as humanely possible because it's easily the funniest movie of the year. It definitely offends, though, there's no questioning that. There are plenty of groups boycotting the movie due to its satire of the mentally disabled. It seems as though some people have missed the point.
As The Ampersand puts it, there are always going to be at least one person upset with a movie, it really doesn't matter what genre. The Dukes of Hazzard, The Love Guru, The Da Vinci Code, The Golden Compass, 21, Passion of The Christ- yep, all were met with some sort of boycott, and there are many, many more movies that I haven't listed.
Semi-spoiler coming, but just keep in mind that it's not the mentally disabled Ben Stiller is poking fun at, it's at the actors who play the mentally challenged in order to win Oscars.
Simply, Tropic Thunder is a great Hollywood satire of where the "Industry" is today. Apart from the jokes, it's got great dialogue, especially when Tugg and Kirk are talking about going "full retard." I know, I know, that sounds terrible, but you'll see what I mean. To borrow from Ain't it Cool News,
"It is a moment where one actor is advising another on why his character was hated, while others were loved and rewarded."
Find yourself a theatre, and be prepared to laugh your arse off. It's not that serious.
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